Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia

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About NCZ

Nitrogen chemicals of Zambia limited (NCZ), is wholly owned by the government of the Republic of Zambia.It is the only national fertilizer factory for national fertilizer demand.

The Zambian government manages it through appointed Directors (The Board of Directors) including the Chief Executive Officer.

It was established in September 1967 and was commissioned on 27th May, 1970 by the first Republican President Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda.

NCZ was established for two purposes that is to provide raw materials for the Mining Industry and provide fertilizers for the Agricultural Industry.

NCZ has since grown into an undisputed legend in the Zambian fertilizer Industry.

The whole NCZ factory is demarcated in 5 plants (Areas) which were constructed in two phases.

The construction of the first phase of plants was carried out by Kobe Steel of Japan between 1967 and 1972. They comprise a water treatment plant, boiler plant and gasification plant for the purpose of treating water, generating steam and producing raw gas from coal for the purpose of Ammonia production and is referred to as AREA ONE. It also has the Ammonia manufacturing plant referred to as AREA TWO and lastly AREA THREE comprises a Nitric Acid Plant and an Ammonium Nitrate plant.

The second phase which was the factory expansion phase was constructed and commissioned between 1975 and 1982. This phase comprises of New Ammonia Plant, New Nitric Acid Plant, New Ammonium Nitrate plants and N.P.K plant in AREA FOUR (for manufacture of compound fertilizers). These plants were constructed and commissioned by a German company Klockner-Ina with the Italian consultancy.

The expansion programme brought in line the fifth plant, the Sulphuric Acid Plant which is referred to as AREA FIVE. It was constructed and commissioned on 28th September, 1983 with an annual design capacity of 60,000mt. It was installed to produce Sulphuric Acid which is required in the Mining industry as well as fertilizer industry.

The factory plants are elaborate and interdependent. The products of one Plant or Area are the raw materials of the other plant.


Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia Limited endeavors to grow and prosper through the production and Marketing of Top quality fertilizers and industrial chemicals for the sustained benefit of all its Stake holders , thus contributing to the country’s economic grow.


To supply , first and foremost the Zambian farming community with all their fertilizer requirements at the lowest possible cost and to penetrate the export market. To realize the reasonable profit for our ultimate share holders, the Zambian people. To afford all employees safe and rewarding jobs and develop their maximum potential To develop new allied products and services To reduce  import and increase export

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