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The Lusaka Times is an open source news website that covers Zambia. The website allows users to have open discussions on the day to day current issues in the country.


Lusaka Times was a concept developed in 1998 out of a casual conversation between friends. In 1999, the idea was made manifest with the launch of Lusaka Information Dispatch. The project was funded by the Dutch IICD who provided seed capital for the equipment and operational costs for a limited duration.

However, the operational model for Information Dispatch proved too difficult to sustain at the time. In 2002 Information Dispatch suspended its operation after key members quit the group.

In January 2007, the site was re-launched under the new URL address called and a new operational model.

Today Lusakatimes is run by a number of people distributed around the world, working in an open source type of structure, purely driven by hobby and ambition to provide Zambians around the world with current news content based on facts. The news content comes from Zambian sources such as Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, ZNBC and ZANIS.

External links